Thursday, September 30, 2010

Aladdin & the Lamp

Jemima Tengaripa

I read Aladdin and the Lamp
The main characters are Aladdin, the rich man, Aladdin's mother, the Emperor and the Emperor's daughter.

Aladdin was a young boy who lived in China with his mother who was really poor. One day a rich man goes to Aladdin and says "I want you to work for me." Aladdin accepted because he is poor.
Aladdin takes the man to a cellar and the man asked him "Go get my magic lamp and bring it back to me."
Aladdin saw the magic lamp and looked around him and saw many beautiful diamonds. Aladdin went to the rich man and then the man said "Give me the magic lamp," but the brave boy Aladdin said "Let me out first."
Aladdin remained in the cellar with the lamp. He was afraid, but as he
pondered a genie appeared and said:
"I am the genie of the lamp. What can I do for you? You are entitled to three wishes.
Aladdin said "I want to be with my mother." Then he was left with his mother. "I want money and a new house" and Aladdin became rich and went to see the Emperor and asked if he could marry his daughter. The Emperor said: Are you rich? Then he replied: "Yes", and the rich
Emperor accepted and he got married
Now he lives his happily with his mother, his wife and her beautiful parents.

I do not really like this story, but other students can read this book. Aladdin realized his wishes and that is what I love about this story.

A New Zealand Adventure

Rungrueang Phamee (Toomtam)



Date Started: Sunday, September 19, 2010

Date Finished: Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It is a holiday for Sarah and Jessica. They came to Auckland, New Zealand. At the airport they were waiting for their taxi. While they are in their taxi, Jessica sees a mobile phone in it. She did not know whose phone it is. The Driver said that the boy in the taxi before forgot his mobile phone. On the phone, the message said "His name is Michael, tomorrow he will go to Ninety Mile Beach." Sarah and Jessica go there to give the mobile back. The girls sit down to eat and look for Michael at Ninety Mile Beach. Jessica sees Michael in the bus running on the beach, but the bus does not stop. Sarah and Jessica ride the bus looking for Michael. Michael has sent a message to Jessica, that Jessica has to see him tomorrow at Sky Tower in Auckland. At the Sky Tower, Jessica has left her bag with Sarah because she will do a bungy jump. Jessica can see Michael. She jumps in to see Michael walking away. Jessica said to Sarah, that she forgot her bag. And running to look for Michael, they did not see him. Then Jessica sees Michael very unhappy but they couldn't find him and they can't find Sarah's bag. Sarah has no money. Jessica has got money for tickets for the Glow-worm Caves. Tomorrow, they're looking for him there. They go on a boat into the dark cave. The lights from the glow-worms are very beautiful. But then they did not see him. Michael Sent a message and said they'll find him in Rotorua and the South Island but they still did not see him. Then they took the phone to the police station. They suddenly see Michael and tell him to go to get his mobile phone at the police station. He called his parents and got the good news that they won the lottery, so he made the girls surprised by buying tickets for whale watching for them.

I think this book is easy to understand and I would recommend this book to others because the vocabulary is easy and the story is not too long. There are many good points in this book. For example, if you do something good, you may get something good back.

Muhammad Ali

Jemima Tengaripa

I read Muhammad Ali. It is the story of a great champion.

One young black boy went to a gym and talked to Joe Martin, the trainer there.

Joe said "Can you box?"

"No, but I could box and I want to fight some other boys."

Joe says "I can teach you. What's your name?"

"My name is Cassius Clay."

"Ok you are going to be a boxing champion."

Cassius went to the gym six days a week because he liked doing that, but he was not a good student at school

6 years later he had had 108 fights and he had won 100 fights.

In 1960 he went to Rome and boxed for the US when he was only 18 years old. He won an Olympic medal for the US. Cassius was a boxing champion in Louisville. He was famous, but he was black.

In 1964 Cassius was 22 years old. He was tall and strong and had won 19 fights as a professional. The world Champion was Sonny Liston. The newspaper said "Clay can beat the Champion"

Cassius went to fight in Miami. Young Cassius said, I'm beautiful, I'm good, I'm quick and I'm strong." The fight was on February 25. In round 1 Clay danced and in rounds 2, 3 and 4 Clay danced across the ring. Clay was always moving away, and in this way he exhausted and bet Liston.

Cassius had a new name "My name is not Cassius Clay now. It's "Muhammad Ali" Clay he said is a white man's name. In 1967 the US army was in Vietnam. The US government called Muhammad

Ali and said "Your country wants you in the army." "I'm not going to go into the army." The US government said "go into the army or go to jail" Ali said "I'm a boxer. I fight people because that's my job." In 1970 the US government said " you can box again" and he became world champion again. In 1980 Ali lost to Trevor Burbick. Ali was slow and tired but Ali was happy because he was the first famous black American.

Now Ali is working for peace in the world. He is our American Nelson Mandela. Ali is 50 years old and was he has nine beloved children. He moves very slowly now and he likes watching his old

fights on TV.

This book is very nice because Ali is happy because he is a famous boxer, an Olympic and world champion.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A New Zealand Adventure

Grace Tengaripa

I read A New Zealand Adventure. I started reading it on the 27th of August and I finished it on the 29th of August.

The main characters are two young girls on holiday in New Zealand. The young girls went to New Zealand for their holidays. When they

arrived in New Zealand were excited because they had never seen this

country and they had dreamed of going there.

When they arrived, Jessica called a taxi from the airport. Their taxi arrived and in taking it they found that Auckland is really very large. In the taxi they spoke only of things that they intended to do. After going to their hotel, they went into the city to take photos. Then Jessica had the desire to send a message to her friend with her laptop. And in the message she told him they were well on arrival and were enjoying themselves.

They had gone to New Zealand to discover the landscape that they had so dreamed of.

The message of this book is that young girls can have fun in New Zealand and discover another country which is very beautiful.

This book is very interesting and so I advise other students to read it.


Kris Chenchop

By Peter Benchley

I read Jaws. I started reading it on the 27th of August and I finished reading it on the 30th of August. This story is set in Amity near New York, about thirty years ago.

The main character is Jaws, a shark. I think it is a dangerous animal. It is distinguished by canine teeth.

The story tells about the shark. A woman goes swimming in the sea, in the evening. The shark carried the woman away in its mouth. It came up out of the water and then went under again. The woman felt something hit her right leg. She put her hand into the water and tried to find her foot. Then she cried out. On the second day, Hendricks Brody and Cassidy saw the woman's body on the Beach. The next few days were hot, and summer visitors from New York began arriving in Amity. More people were going to the beach. The shark attacked people again. People were running away from the sea because the shark was very dangerous. Now two people had died.

Quint and Hooper put a cage overboard. Then the shark did not turn. It hit the cage and made a hole in it, and Hooper fell back! When the shark was a metre from the boat, Quint stood and watched the shark and used a gun to shoot it and the shark died! The shark slowly fell back below the surface of the water, down and down, out of the light.

I rate this book as exciting. This book has some pictures. They let me understand more things, so it was interesting. This is a good book! I hope other students will read it!

In Trouble With The Law

Hu Shen (Patrick)

by Helen Chipper

I read In Trouble with the Law. This is an authentic record, and very funny. I started reading it on the 29th of August and I finished reading it on the 31th of August. The book's main character is very funny!

Kevin worked as a courier for Swift Deliveries. He delivered flowers and parcels to shops all over Riverton. He liked his job. But, one day it is his friend Pam's birthday party. He drank a glass of beer and drove away from the hotel. Then he encountered a policeman. A few weeks later Kiri walked into the kitchen with the mail in her hand. It's a court summons for driving while over the alcohol limit. This says he has to go to court next month. He lost his job and he finds a lawyer. The lawyer helps him.

This is a good book, and a good story. It tells us to be honest, so I want to introduce it to my fellow students.

The Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster

Phamee Rungrueang (Toomtam)


Genre : True Story

Date started : Monday 30th August 2010

Date finished : Wednesday 1st September 2010

The Loch Ness monster might be a big strange fish, monster or dragon. The truth has not been found out. The Loch Ness monster is the strangest thing in Scotland. English people call a lake 'a lake' but Scottish people call a lake 'a loch.' This loch is in the North of Scotland. The common name of The Loch Ness monster is Nessie. The Loch Ness monster was first found about 25,000 years ago. They lived in the River Ness. This river was not clean and it was deep, actually about 975 feet. There was news about a monster living in the river in 1933. There was a couple who did not believe in the news and went to the river. They saw the monster and came back to tell a reporter. It was news again in two different a newspapers. One of the newspapers said there was not a monster in the river. In 1934, a man went to the river and saw and drew a picture of the monster. This made the newspapers report this news again. Many people did not believe the news and there were many questions about this. People forgot this after that year. There was a couple who took the photo of the monster when they were walking along the River Ness. It became a news again. People started to talk about this again. In 1960, Tim went to make a film and the monster was on television. This River Ness became famous and many people went to see the River Ness but they could not see the monster so people went to watch the film. There is lots of business related to this movie such as games and pictures. However, there are still questions to be answered.

I think this book is the best book for people who want to know about animals. This book taught me about history in the world. It is a story that I should know and learn.

I rate this book as good because I like this story, It isn't too long. The English level is easy and also I would like to introduce it to my fellow students.